These are the biographies of all creators featured on Human Menagerie. Creators are not inherently based in Portland, Oregon.
We come from a wide range of locations around the United States & World. The asterisk (*) entails that the creator is open to business inquiries. All inquiries can be taken up on the Contact page.
My name is Sam Brinda and I joined HM because it seemed like a cool platform where artists of every kind could share their work. I am an aspiring photographer
/videographer in Portland, OR who specializes in the automotive Audiovisuals. My list of favorite movies is long and continues to grow but a few are Inception, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, any James Bond film, and any Marvel film.
My name is Jamie Barneveld, better known as Sesa. I live in Queensland, Australia and the reason I joined Human Menagerie is because I think it’s an amazing platform for young creators and I hope to inspire a few people like me. I am driven by not only my passion for music, but I also just love to create things that I, and others enjoy. I don’t have too many hobbies other than making things, I like to hike and climb and generally just explore new and cool places. When I grow up I would like to be earning a living by creating things, whether that’s music, art or even films, anything creative. A few of my favourite movies are, Fight Club, 2001: A Space odyssey and Life of Pi.
Soap Gap
Hey, I’m Bia Isitt and I like making music and putting it out for people to hear. I’m 17 and I look up to John Mayer, The Lumineers and Ed Sheeran when it comes to music. I have an addictive personality so when I’m interested in something, I go full out on it until I eventually move on to the next thing, and the cycle continues. Hopefully you like my music, let me know!
My name is Josie, and I want to use this platform to reach other youth and be open about my passions and beliefs. I’m driven by the lack of conversation about events and laws and people that have huge impacts on our world and our future, and how little some people know. I love to cook and bake for my community, and I volunteer at soup kitchens and wildlife conservation sites monthly. My favorite movie is Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, and I want to work in finance,
helping small organizations
/startups begin their businesses and spread their passions.
Hi, I’m Isabelle and I am the founder of Human Menagerie. I created this organization in hopes to reach out to teenagers and young adults who have yet to find their place. Being someone who has always been an outlier in the eyes of society, I wanted to share my voice and the voices of other unique individuals with the world. I have no clue as to which way life should veer, but I plan on taking advantage of every opportunity that presents itself to me. My favorite movie at the moment would have to be John Dies At The End.
My name is Harrison Hathaway and I am Human Menagerie’s digital designer and co-manager. I joined HM because I wanted to occupy myself with an extracurricular activity in my field of interest. I have a very strong opinion about current school standards and I want to make a platform to demonstrate you don’t have to conform to that standard /lifestyle. In my free time (if I have any) I work on my drawing, photography, and animation skills; while also assisting others with their endeavors. I would love to make H.M. my full time job, but if not I plan to keep in the field of Film/Design. My favorite movie is most likely Donnie Darko.
Bijou Holiday
My name is Bijou Holiday; I am 17. Most of those years have been spent growing up a bit faster than was planned, but I am grateful for the things that caused calamity for my mind because it pushed me to create music. Writing songs has given me the ability to express my love and hurt and anger in the best way; I want my art to inspire others to connect and express themselves as well.
Boohoo Sally
My name is Abby and I want to positively make an impact on others with my music (and covers). I am driven by personal experiences in life to make music and strive. I love to sing, play guitar and I am unsure about what I want to do but all I know is it has to make others happy. One of my favorite movies is The Fault In Our Stars because it always sticks in my brain. I want to grow from music and be the best I can be and try my hardest ☺.
My name is Caleb and I write for HM because I want to support my community as well as practice writing in many contexts. I'm driven by the desire to put myself in new situations and to grow as a person. I love playing music, drawing, and swimming in my free time, and at some point, I want to be a working musician. My favorite movie is Sing Street.
COgan LAse
My name is Logan and I joined HM as a means of sharing and improving my writing and video skills. I love the magazine as a platform because of the way various mediums can come together to communicate ideas. I want to work professionally as a video journalist one day. I’m fascinated by the different lenses we all see through. I’m motivated by opening people’s minds, and aim for my content to do so. You can catch me strolling around Mt. Tabor contemplating the meaning of things. I would recommend the movie Amélie.
My name is Mika Kanz, I mostly do photography, design and videography. I think that H.M. is a unique way to showcase my photography, design and videography. I’m driven by the desire to create new things that I imagine in my head. In the future I want to start a company or be a freelance content creator. Blade Runner 2049 is one of my recent favorite movies.
Hi, I’m Ever and I joined H.M. to show people that the sky’s the limit when it comes to our creativity. I’m driven by creative-freedom and presenting to others that we’re all capable of something bigger than a 9-5 job, you dig? Once I hit a certain age, you should find me posted up in a mansion with a beautiful family and a list of accomplishments, while chillin’ with my man Ryan Gosling, who also stars in my favorite movie The Place Beyond The Pines. I’m glad all of you are around to support us and the world we live in - this is history in the making. To whoever’s reading this: please stay true to yourself. Thank you.
My name is Abby, and my motivation for joining Human Menagerie was the desire to broadcast my writing in a meaningful way. I drive to become a better writer and editor, and it fits to be able to do that in a way that lets people see my work. I enjoy playing and listening to music, and ‘the arts.’ Some of my favorite movies would have to be Cloud Atlas, I Love You Phillip Morris, and Chicago.